Halloween Ad Sales!!
Youve-Got-Ads, JaguarCash, AwesomeEmails4u, Sweet-Tooth-Mails, Wolves-Pack-PTR, Email-MoneyMaker, ClicksMania, GuardianMails, Best-Days
Please send ads through Our Help Desk and
put "Halloween Ad Sales" with the offer # in the subject line.
Please let us know if you are a member of sites and usernames or if you will need a tracking link.
Payza- advertising@youve-got-ads.com
Serve- laf384sites@gmail.com
Special #1
3 Month Affiliate Page $5.50
6 Month Affiliate Page $11.50
12 Month Affiliate Page $21.50
24 Month Affiliate Page $40.00
Special #2
25,000 Affiliate Page PTP Rotator Views - $1.00
50,000 Affiliate Page PTP Rotator Views - $1.90
100,000 Affiliate Page PTP Rotator Views - $3.50
Special #3
Treasure Room Links
3x 30 Day Treasure Room Ad $1.20
Special #4
5x 1000 clicks Tier 1&2 PTC $1.25
Special #5
10x 250 Contest PTC $1.25
Special #6
3 Month Personal PTC Page $1.75
6 Month Personal PTC Page $3.10
12 Month Personal PTC Page $6.20
Sales runs until Nov 15th